Colored bell pepper & colorful life

We have 365 days in a day

We have seven days in a week

We have 24 hours in one day

We do different things in every minute

We are growing up and in different ages we experiences different things. When you are 2 or 3 years old, we start to learn to walk, when you are 4 years old, you start to learn to speak. When you are maybe 7 or 8 years old, we begin to go to kindergarten. And when you are 12 years old, you can go to school by yourself. And now, what’s happening? You are in the college and maybe begin to work or plan to work. Our life is like rainbow, it is so colorful and beautiful. So today I want to make food with Colored bell pepper.

See, how beautiful they are. I bought them in the same farmer’s market before. when i look at them, i feel happy maybe because they have 3 colors, red, green and yellow. Red is passion, green is health, and yellow is sunshine. They are all positive colors. In our lifes, we should have passion and positive attitude to all the things. And our life should be healthy.

Here is the ingredients and recipe from interent. But is just use green peppers. You can just add the yellow and red bell peppers

1/2 pound lean pork

1 teaspoon cornstarch

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 egg whigreenAway
1 green pepper a yellow one and a red one

1 1/2 tablespoons oil

1 1/2 tablespoons oil

1 tablespoon sherry
1. Slice pork thin against the grain, then cut in rectangles, 1 by 1 1/2 inches. Combine cornstarch, salt and egg white; then add to pork and toss to coat. Seed and dice peppers.
2. Heat oil. Add pork and stir fry until it begins to brown, then remove.
3. Heat remaining oil. Add green peppers and stir fry until they begin to soften (about 2 minutes).
4. Return pork. Sprinkle with sherry and stir fry until done

(There are also some other ways to cook them)

It is very important to cut them into same slides. And it should be very narrow so that it can be cooked easily and riped easily.

it is done.

It is pretty right? It is Chinese style cooking, fried colored bell peppers and pork. I am so happy to cook it because when you finish cook it and put it on the table. Your families could be happy too because it is colorful and looks nice. And it tastes really yummy.

Ready to try?